At its core, the 1927 founded brand evokes a long-standing history of Italian craftsmanship and after a strong 90 years of succession, still today no two bags in the store are alike. Selecting a classic Onyx Metropolis body off the shelf in the San Marco Venezia location, we held it up to its blue-toned counterpart only to find the length was a fraction of a quarter of a centimetre wider. Now, while some may perceive this to be an error, one could supersede that in reality, this is a true recall to the brand’s tradition of handmade goods.

Very slight, and we do mean slight margins of error are what constitute humanity. This tiny micro interruption of continuity means that a human being was involved in this creative process; from the manufacturing, assembly, choice of fabric, design, thought, and evocation of the bag. It is the reason why craftsmanship still holds its quality over time and ultimately defines the luxury category. Luxury respects craftsmanship because it takes time and human approach to bring forth into reality. Extensive resources to be sketched, molded, and erected into a living and breathing statement of art.

This fraction of a quarter of a centimetre difference in wideness was what made an otherwise black handbag into something special. This “body” merely served as the base of a two-part handbag.

The concept of Furla’s brilliant “My Play” collection aligns true to its self-identification as a brand that is inclusive, creative, passionate, and joyful. Although their demographic is wide-spread, more acutely the accessory house targets a young-adult female demographic between the ages of 20-35.

While the silhouettes and even the recent launch of their new archway-inspired logo from the 2020 Spring/Summer presentation errs on the side of traditional, the space for experimentation lies within the applications to these recurring classic shapes. This flexibility between classicism and adherence to changing consumer tastes is what renders Furla relevant in an ever-evolving digital age of unpredictable behaviors.

While the body of the My Play handbags remains versatile, the patte or flaps are customizable and change from collection to collection. With a secure set of snaps on the reverse size and front enclosure design called the “Metropolis”, the two-piece handbag offers a range of possibilities for a consumer that is on a steep learning curve of self-actualization.

With the patte offerings ranging in everything from grunge studs to strategic brand partnerships with the likes of Hello Kitty, the handbags not only adapt to every consumer, but more importantly can adapt for the single consumer.

Again, with a young adult demographic, Furla has listened to the hearts and minds of its customer base. This market wants to have the freedom to explore their sense of style and in some ways resent the feeling of being put in a box. A brand that knows how to craft a produce that can seamlessly lean into these changing tastes stands a winner in competing landscapes. It is a consumer that is conscious of spending, but has begun looking more critically at quality.

Furla prices itself strategically as well. For a luxury item, it is modestly priced and stands along amongst Italian brands for being accessible, yet high end. With Italy’s rich culture of tradition, Furla sets an exemplary tone between a delicate balance of respecting the past, while adhering to a future that constantly asks more from it.

Furla is poised to enter into 2020 with a tight focus on technology, customer centricity, and digital marketing to bring a 90 year-old brand into a relevant and needed product for a consumer that seeks personalization.


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Don’t forget to show some love. Photo: Aurora Falsina